Thursday, October 8, 2015

Is it the weekend yet?

It's been a rough week for baby Henry and I. We had a trip to the hospital early this week due to some contractions. It started late Subday night and lasted all through Monday evening. I figured it may have been something I ate, but the sharp pain kept coming and going. I worked through my whole shift... Probably not the best idea, but I figured that since I was feeling Henry kick throughout the day there really was nothing to worry about. I called my Dr and she said that if the cramping doesn't stop after a few hours then to come in and be checked.

I went straight to the hospital after work since it didn't go away. I was there for a good 3 hours. They hooked me up to check for contractions and they also ran  my urine to check for infections.

I was having contractions when I got to there, so they ordered me to push a lot of fluids and just lay down. Which really made me feel much better! 

The urine came back clean and the contractions stopped. My Dr said to just take it easy and that I did the right thing by coming in to get checked. These things happens sometimes and for the most part it always ends up being ok. 

I kept Josh in the loop as I told him that he should stay at work since they were so busy. I really didn't want him to worry too much, although he wanted a play by play every chance he was able to get to his phone. 

Today we had a little bump on the road. With a few people being sick at work it was inevitable that I too would come down with something. Just your typical head cold and congestion. I'm so thankful that one of my good friends work at an ObGyn clinic. So she knows her stuff! I constantly go to her for any questions or concerns that I may have. I thank you Bree for being so wonderfully patient and always looking out for baby Henry and I. 😘 

With this rough week I'm really looking forward to getting back to feeling somewhat normal! 

Daddy sure knows how to make mommy feel loved 

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