Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pregnancy to Parenthood

The last 13 days has been such a huge adjustment for us. We could never imagine that a 6 pound baby could change our lives so much. Josh and I have exercised our team work to the max! We both depend so much on one another to keep Brandon clean, fed, and happy. Who ever said that parenthood was easy should be shot...but with the hardships comes such amazing rewards. His smile and watching him grow is worth the lack of sleep and freedom.

We originally started this blog to keep our family and friends updated with our pregnancy, but now that Brandon is here we've decided to continue it to keep our family updated with Brandon's growth as well. 

We hope that you all will continue to keep up with our family. Here's to a new chapter in our lives...happy new years everyone :)

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

37-38 weeks

Well, I never got a chance to do a final update. I will try my hardest to remember what I was going through those last weeks.

I just remember thinking that regardless of how big I got or how uncomfortable I began to feel I was going to finish this pregnancy with a positive attitude. I also didn't want to remember the last leg of my pregnancy being bad.

I tried to keep myself busy with stuff around the house and worked until the very very end. I knew that since my c-section date was fast approaching I wanted to make sure everything was ready to go and the list of things that we needed to do was done and crossed off.

Due to Brandon being breech I went back to my OB. I was really sad that I wasn't able to go through my original birth plan, but both Josh and I knew that this was the best decision all around. Brandon pretty much made his own birth plan!

After talking to my OB she knew that I was a little heart broken, so she promised me that she will make sure that one of my midwives will be there during my c-section. She was so sweet to do that! That really eased a lot of my anxieties about the surgery.

After about a few days I began to accept my c-section. I actually started becoming more and more excited, cause having a scheduled birth just throws the guessing game out the window. We knew what time and date we were going to meet him. We were able to plan out what we wanted to get done and even have a our final date night.

I also wanted to spend more time with my close girlfriends before Brandon came. I know that as soon as he comes, catching up over dinner and meeting up for late night happy hour will be replaced by catching up on sleep and late night feedings. I guess I just really wanted to soak up the freedom of pre-parenthood. I know that they will understand the reason for my MIA at times, but I just really want to let my girls know that I really cherish my time with them.

Brandon so far (at 38 weeks)

Weight: 6.8lbs

Length:19.5 inches about the length of a leek

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Mommy and Daddy's letter to Brandon

I saw this idea a long time ago and couldn't wait to do it!  So as a little addition to Brandon's room Josh and I decided that we were both going to write him a letter and frame it.  I thought that it would be a great way to really show Brandon how much his Mommy and Daddy love him.  Josh and I came to an agreement that we were going to wait to read until now.  Oh, man talk about waterworks!   Anyway, we can't wait until Brandon is old enough to read and understand it.  He is one loved dude!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Maternity leave letter...

I just wrote my formal maternity letter to my boss, and I'm not gonna lie, but I got a little teary. Oh gosh, It's really starting to hit me :)

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Friday, December 9, 2011

35 & 36 weeks

Ok, Slacker Mcgee over here!  I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to do my weekly updates.  It's getting down to crunch time and it's been pretty crazy around the Roque household!

Again, I'll be rolling 2 weeks into 1 post!  So here we go...

As of the past few weeks we've had some good and bad news.  Everything with Brandon is fine, but all the other stuff is not going as well as we expected!

So, you all probably know that the big issue right now is that Brandon is presenting breech, and being so close to the end this is something that my midwives are very closely monitoring.  We had an ultrasound and the tech found that not only was he still breech, but his fluids were low as well!!  Geez, give me a break will ya? I was measuring at a 6.2 and the normal AFI levels are 8-18!  My midwife told me that if I had measured at a 5 they would've admitted me right then and there!  My heart literally jumped to my throat! I had no idea how this could've happened?  I felt like everything was going well and wasn't having any strange symptoms. Now with those 2 things against me, they decided that I have to go in twice a week for a non-stress test.  A non-stress test just monitors his heart beats, movements, and contractions.  I don't mind it, but I do mind that I NOW have to start going to the hospital 2x's a week and add my weekly check-ups, so that makes it 3! 

My midwife suggested doing Moxibustion.  I mentioned this in my last blog in the "A day with nikki."  Anyway, we started doing it that following Friday and did about 6 rounds.  I felt like he was moving a lot, but I didn't really feel him "flip" so to speak...That following Monday we had our 2nd ultrasound to check for his position as well as my AFI levels.   I was so nervous cause I knew that he was still breech...when I they did the ultrasound the tech confirmed that he was still breech, but my AFI went up to 8.2!  Thank you, God!!  After that I had another NST everything was going good until she says "oh you're having a contraction!" All I felt was my tummy expanding and Brandon pushing down on my bladder!  I though "gee, if this is what contractions feel like, then I'm golden!" But I knew as soon as I said that I had just totally jinxed myself!  SOoo, at my next NST I had an even bigger contraction, big enough to where it took my breath away (not in a good way either!).  It was pretty cool and scary at the same time!  I can't even imagine how bad it will feel when they're the real ones! Yikes!

 Overall I'm still feeling pretty good!  I just feel more tired and try to sneak in a nap here and there.  My last week of work will be next week.  I'm excited and sad all at the same time!  I will miss being on my feet and just being able to socialize!  I love my job, but I don't love that it takes such a toll on my body now!

My appetite is still monstrous!  I hear that baby boys weigh in a lot bigger than girls do, so maybe he's having a huge growth spurt?  I'm up 22 pounds from my pre-pregancy weight, which I feel really good about!  Although I do have 3 more weeks to go, so who knows I just might blow up towards the end!  

We pretty much have everything checked off on our to do list!  His nursery is finally complete.  We decided to rearrange some decals on the wall and add a tree decal as well!  It's so cute!  I'll post pictures soon.  Our hospital bags are packed and door side just in case he decides to come early!  His car seat is installed and ready in Daddy's car.  We have our list of people to call, and a Russy sitter!

The very last and important thing is that tomorrow we are scheduled for an external cephalic version to get Brandon to turn head down.  We had our pre-consultation with our OB today and she informed me of what to expect and the side effects.  She told me that "You are now learning your first lesson in parenthood...children will do things on their own terms." She was totally right!!!  What a little stinker!

After our talk I got very nervous, and had a huge breakdown when I got into my car!  I called Josh and he made me feel better.  I had so many thoughts running through my head!  I thought about all the what if's and Josh was very quick to tell me that thinking that way will not help our situation.  That whatever happens we just need to accept it and move on...  So, now we're kinda sitting on the fence seeing what route we will be taking as far as delivering him.  If they do the procedure and he doesn't turn, then we will be scheduled to do C-section, but if he does, then I will be able to deliver him vaginally!  Either way he's gonna have to come out.  I'm sad to say this, but I feel like the natural birth that I had intentionally hoped for is starting to slip through my fingers.  Oh, well...

Brandon so far (at 36 weeks)

Size: 18.75 inches about the size of a crenshaw melon

Weight: 5.75 pounds 

According to thebump he is getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on his own.  His skin is geting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. His liver and kidneys are in working order.  Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too!

36 weeks and 6 days

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Monday, December 5, 2011

17 days and counting!

I officially put in my request for my last day at work!  I've always thought that I would try to work until the end, but for how physically demanding my job is, I've decided that it would be better for me and my co-workers if I don't.  I can tell now that everyone seems to worry about me.  They worry that I will go into labor any time during my shift.  I don't blame them, cause I DO have this crazy feeling that my labor will start at work!  Now, a lot of my co-workers don't have kids yet, and I think that they have this phobia of me going into labor at work and them having to drop everything they're doing and take me to the hospital!!! Kinda like how they show it in the movies, ya know?  I think that's what everyone visualizes when a woman goes into labor.  I've talked to a few of them and try to inform them that that's not the case at all.  If I begin labor at work, the chances are that he wont arrive for a few (wishful thinking) hours, so I will have time to call Josh, have him pick me up, and head to the hospital.  I try to stay calm at work to not freak them out...I've also realized to not to say the following:


Those phrases kinda puts them on the edge sometimes!

Anyway, I was a little sad, yet excited when I put in my request.  Sad because I love going to work and will miss having my daily conversations with my co-workers and regulars...excited because I know I will meet my little guy soon!!

17 more days....

Happy birthday, Josh!!

Happy birthday, to my sweet husband!  I felt a little bad that I wasn't able to plan anything big for him.  The arrival of Brandon has currently taken over lives at the moment, but I hope that his present from Brandon and I made up for it!

All our bags are packed...and ready to go!

Josh and I can finally say that we are all set. We finished packing our hospital bag last night. It felt kinda like packing for a vacation, but a bit more exciting cause we know that we'll be coming home with the ultimate souvenir :D We are so ready and excited!!!

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

A day with Nikki

My good friend Nikki asked me to come along with her to one of her acupuncture appointment yesterday morning. Reading my last blog, you all probably saw that my midwife mentioned going to see an acupuncturist to try to get him to turn. Anyway, Nikki was kind enough to let me tag along (plus it was a good excuse to have a girls day) and see what the process was like.

When we got there we were greeted right away by her acupuncturist (a natural MD) a nice and very well dressed Chinese man ( josh would be very impressed with his outfit choice).  He introduced himself and began to do check on Nikki.

I was expecting him to have a stethoscope and listen to her lungs and heart beat, but didn't. He looked at her tongue and felt for 3 pressure points on the inside of both of her wrists, and from that he diagnosed that her tummy was not digesting in full capacity and something else which I don't remember at the moment. It was crazy to me how much information he got by just doing some simple touches and looking at the right places!

So, he then began to ask how she was feeling and started to put in the needles. He was so fast and it didn't look like Nikki felt any pain at all. I was so amazed.

After he had Nikki all dialed in; him and I began to talk about my pregnancy ( I think the big bulge in my belly kinda have it away) I told him about Brandon's position and he told me about treatment that they do at his clinic called Moxibustion. It involves a cigar looking stick called a Moxa stick. You're supposed to place the stick just beside your pinky toe; just close enough to feel the heat. He says it works about 75% of the time. They've done studies on it, and they really don't know how to explain it scientifically, but it just works!  It was kinda funny cause the acupuncturist said that he's heard an old Chinese wives tale that "the heat from the stick will make baby feel the heat on his feet too, which will make him want to change his position!" LOL!!  I was dying cause the very first image that popped into my head was Brandon stepping on hot coles and saying "ouch, ouch, ouch!"

So after that he was kind enough to give me a Moxa stick to take home and try it on my own!  I think he totally felt my desperation and worry! He showed me the points on where I should place it and told me that 5 minutes per foot, for 20 minutes,  2x's a day should work. He said good luck and sent us on our way.

Oh, check out those sausage links, eh?

When I got home that evening Josh and I wasted no time and started right away!  After about 30 seconds into the treatment Brandon was moving like crazy "Ouch, ouch, ouch" he's probably saying!  Oh lord the things we do to our child...and in my case I feel so bad, cause he's not even born yet!  I really hope that this will work.  We have our next ultrasound on Monday, so we'll see then I guess!