Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On to the new phase!

I feel that as soon as I get a hang of Brandon's new phase he's onto the next one. He's keeping us on our toes to say the least. With his personallity continually growing and his independance strongly developing, Josh and I are constantly putting a game plan together on how to keep Brandon from becoming a little nuisance. It's a little challenging, but so rewarding especially seeing him figure things out on his own. He's talking A LOT more now and become a little copy cat. He repeats basically everything we say...good and bad, so now we have to be a little more cautious about what we say around him. His favorite phrases currently are: "Oh, what the heck?!" "C'mon mayne!" "whatcha doin?" He's so funny now with his little voice and funny little personality. I feel like he's at the in between stage of being a baby and being a little person. He doesn't need the constant attention like a baby, but he still needs the love and cuddles like one! I sometimes find myself feeling like he's growing right before my eyes. At times I feel like he wakes up with new things that he's learned!  You've been such a good kid (for the most part), daddy and I can't wait to teach you more new cool things!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cake pops will put you into labor (Brandon's birth story)

My last day of work was on a Thursday and had Brandon that following Sunday!

I always had this feeling that when I went into labor that it was going to start with my water breaking somewhere, and I was totally right!

It all started Friday night when I realized that I was beginning to lose my plug. I wasn't feeling anything out of the ordinary, no cramping, no pains. I remember mentioning to Josh that I may be losing my plug, he really wasn't too worried because I had also told him that labor can start days or even months after a woman loses her plug. So we went on with starting our busy weekend trying not to think too much of it. We had a pretty busy weekend planned for ourselves. We had a planned c-section that following Thursday, so we really wanted to take advantage of this last weekend before we became a family of 3. We had our cousin Michelle's house warming. Josh and I wanted to have our one last date night.  I made plans to have breakfast with my girls, and Josh planned to work that Sunday for extra hours!

That weekend was jammed packed of activities! So why wouldn't he throw a wrench in the gears and come early?! Silly baby!

Ok, so let's fast forward to Sunday! That morning I woke up feeling huge! I was 38 weeks and 4 days and I had lost my plug completely!  I was pretty nervous about the c-section that whole week and thought that maybe going to church would relieve some of my anxiety. So I promised Josh's Mom and Aunt that I would go to church with them that morning. After church I met up with a few of my girlfriends for breakfast. After breakfast we went back over to Merrie's to hang out for a little bit. I was getting a bit tired and was craving a nap! I was planning to leave and then Debbie called to see if I wanted to help her make cake pops. We were talking about making them earlier that week for both our co- workers. So I decided to leave Merrie's and forego the nap! Which I'm glad I did because this is where it gets good!

So when I got to Debbie's there she had already began making the cake pops and wanted me to taste one to check if it was ok...and I of course gobbled one up... and shortly after I took my first bite I felt this gush of water in between my legs! I grab my crotch and looked at Debbie and said "I think my water just broke!!"  She looks at me and then the floor and says "um, no it didn't!!" I think she was expecting a gallon of water to come out of me!  With my hand on my crotch I run to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and in no time that's when the "big gush" came!  I was just beside myself and couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Brandon was on his way...

I'm so glad that I was with someone when this happened because I wouldn't have known what to do, and I felt even more relieved that I was with Debbie!  She was so calm and cool the whole time.  She called Josh and got me packed up and to the hospital in no time!

We got to the hospital around 2:30 and I was gowned and in the triage within 15 minutes!  They checked me to see if my water did break and it did.  The on call Dr came in shortly and did an ultrasound to see if Brandon was still breech and he was!  He asked if I had anything to eat just recently and I said that I had a cake pop and joked that it was so good it made me pop!  Then the anesthesiologist came in and informed us that because I had just eaten we had to wait for 8 hours to perform the c-section.  So they transferred me into a birthing suite where we were able to wait and relax.  They told us that we were looking to deliver him close to 10:30 that evening.  I was a bit relieved because I was really beginning to panic about the surgery part!  I really wanted to have those 8 hours to really prep myself emotionally.  I've only ever had one major surgery and it was when I broke my leg and was put to sleep when they did it.  My biggest fear was having my arm strapped down and not being able to feel my legs!  I'm a bit claustrophobic and just the thought of my arms being strapped and not having any control while I'm being cut open terrified me!

So around 8:30 I get up to go to the bathroom for the 30th time and realized that I was bleeding.  I tell my nurse and she leaves to get the Dr.  When she came back she tells us that the bleeding is a sign of my cervix opening up and that's something that they didn't want happening.  Since Brandon was breech they didn't want me dilating any further due to the chance that his umbilical cord may come out first which is not good! The anesthesiologist came back in and said that due to the bleeding they were going to go ahead and get me prepped to go into surgery!

Shortly after receiving this news, the time seemed to go by so quickly. My mind and body felt numb… even before she administered the anesthesia. I remember beginning to cry as soon as they put up the barrier between me and my belly.  I felt like I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to how quickly things were moving along.  I felt like I wasn't in control of my delivery… as the tears began to collect in my eyes my anesthesiologist grabs my hand and says "ok the hard part is over, you did great, your baby will be here shortly."  She said it with such calmness and sincarity that I began to calm down.  Josh looked and me and gently rubbed my head. I could tell by his face that he knew that in one short moment our lives were gonna change forever. 

Josh 'Here he comes...' I remember holding my breath and then all of a sudden I heard Brandon cry for the first time! Josh immediately leaves my side to meet Brandon. All I could see was Brandon's hands and feet flailing around and nurses cleaning him off. I remember Josh's and I'd conversation going a little something like this:

Me: How is he doing?
Josh: Ya! 
Me: Who does he look like?!
Josh: huh?
Me: Who does he look like?!
Josh: YEAH!!

Um, I think between the excitement and adrenalin it may have caused Josh to
lose his hearing temporarily... Cause I don't remember the operating room being very loud. I just laid back and giggled and waited patiently to meet my little boy! When the nurse finally brought Brandon over all I remember seeing was this little ball of blanket with the cutest little face sticking out of it. The very first thing I noticed was how cute Brandon's nose was... And how much he looked like Joshua!! I was in love!! 

There's just something so beautiful and amazing about bringing a little human to this world. You realize right then and there that the world just became bigger and scarier. You realize that your problems weren't really as big as you thought they were. That the little things and flaws in your life don't matter anymore. The relationship with this little person is nothing to be taken lightly. You have to put your big girls panty on (well besides the awesome post pregnancy undies they give you at the hospital) and raise this kid to be a good and loving person that has good manners. To keep him out of jail, harms way, and sticking needles in his arms... 

Dearest Brandon, 

Please be patient with daddy and I. This is our first go in the parenting thing. Please always know that we do the things we do for your best interest.  We love you so much! 

mommy and daddy