Sunday, July 31, 2011

Diapers Shmiapers!

 I try to write a blog once a week to keep everyone updated on the little one, but the last few weeks have been so jammed pack.  I had one of my good friends, Kristie come in from out of town last week and it was really nice to spend time with her and my girls! I got to pick her and Merrie's brain about pregnancy and tips on getting ready.  I hold their advice very closely to my heart because I praise their amazing parenting skills!

My F's <3!

Diapers, Diapers, Diapers!!  Kristie told me that you could never have enough of them and that now is a great time to begin buying them... So the next day Josh and I went to Babies R Us and stocked up on some goodies!

7 bags of Diapers and 4 bags of wipes!

I was at a baby shower that day and one of my girlfriends told me that BRU was having a huge sale on selected diapers for $5, and some of them came with a free bag of wipes.  JACKPOT!!!!  When Josh and I got there the shelves were completely bare!  We were both so sad, but then a sweet lady who worked their went and checked in the back for us...and low and behold she found us a good stash!  I then emailed BRU about the lovely lady who helped us out.  This really made our first experience really worth while!  

Monday, July 25, 2011

What's In A Name? by Joshua Roque

I remember collecting basketball cards as a pudgy kid - hoping to get that rare Michael Jordan - or really any substantial superstar for that matter.  Laying on my stomach and sifting through card after card, I remember getting one for New Knicks center Patrick Ewing and thinking "Hey, not bad - this is a good card."  Checking out his stats and turning the card over, I read "Patrick Aloysius Ewing."  I began to chuckle.  "ALOYSIUS?  Geez, his parents must not like him to give him that name!" I thought to myself.  Still laughing inside, I decided to put the cards away and finish my salisbury steak TV dinner.

Truth is: deciding on your child's name is VERY HARD - there is tremendous pressure on us soon-to-be parents to pick out a good name.  Our child will be forever known by the one and only name we bestow upon them - I don't know if I can handle this new (almost God-like) responsibility.  We hold the ultimate privilege of naming him or her anything we want - "From this day forward, you will be known as (insert name here)."  That's crazy to think about.  It will show up on their birth certificate, social security card, name tag, report card, credit card, police report (God, I hope not) and so on and so on.  Part of me wants a good, strong name - something that sounds remarkable and noteworthy as soon as it leaves your mouth.  Something unique but still common - though nothing like some of the names celebrities come up with for their kids.  For every Jack, Lily Rose, and Harlow, there's got to be a Scout, Apple, Jermajesty, and Moroccan.  Who the hell names their daughter Scout?  "Hi, I'd like you to meet my kids Doorknob and Cat Litter."  Just as good, right?

So now we're feeling pretty good because we've come up with a good name and we're ready to tell our family and friends.  I don't know how else to put this but Filipino families are the worst at butchering names.  "Sam" turns into "Sum", "Evelyn" turns into "Eberlin", "Jeff" becomes "Jeprox", etc.  No matter what name we come up with, it's bound to be mispronounced every way imaginable.  And once my cousins get a hold of it - my God - it's over.  For example: "Oh, your kid's name is John Candy, right?  What about John Denver?  Mayer?  Stockton?'

Hopefully, Brooke and I can agree on a name (for either a boy or a girl) once and for all.  If nothing else, we do have a Plan B:

Ocho Cinco Roque.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sweet 16!

I feel like this week has gone by so quickly!  It was just super jammed packed with work, photography, and just being a extra 10 hours would've been real nice this week.  I know that I could've sacrificed a few hours of sleep here and there, but that's just crazy talk!  Naps are very high up there in my priority list at the moment.

With that being said sleep has been kinda all over the board for me.  Like I said I love my naps, but when it comes to actually turning in for the night I am just a hot mess!  I'm sure you all have either heard or experienced this, but when you become pregnant your bladder becomes the size of a pea!  With that being said this gives me high anxiety when it comes to bed time.  I feel like every time I'm in a good position or am about to fall asleep I have to get up to go pee!!!  I've come to realize that this is more irritating than Fergie's face!!  I feel like I've done everything I can to alleviate this problem, but nothing seems to work!!   I even pray to God sometimes to just go ONCE in the middle of the night... cause 4x's a night is just plain obnoxious...and the worst part is that I know it will only get worse!  Maybe I should just learn to sleep on the pot?!

Ok, so besides the ridiculous bladder problem, I'm still enjoying my pregnancy so far!  I'm starting to feel the baby move more frequently.  I tell my girls that it's so bazaar  to me how the baby always moves around the same time every evening.  I'm so taken back by how she/he already has a 'moving' schedule.  It's always around 10:30-11:00 when I start feeling her/him dancing.  There's no better feeling...It's like a little reward after a hard day!

This week has been the first time I've ever really thought about my weight since I've been pregnant.  I had my last doctors appointment just last week and she said that I've gained 5 pounds so far.  Which really surprised me because I've been eating everything in sight!  She told me that was on track on my weight gain and that in my second trimester I should expect to gain about another 15 pounds!!  Um, ok so far with the 5 pounds I've gained I already feel like I'm starting to waddle a little...I can't even imagine how I will walk trying to drag around another 15 pounds. Yikes!  Wide load coming through!!!!!  I know that the weight will only increase, but the thing that I'm super scared about is stretch marks!  Ok, this may sound a little vain of me, but my skin is something that I take a lot of pride in.  I lather myself in lotion and paste everyday to make sure I don't get them, but I know that the only effective way to not get them is to not gain weight too drastically.  Hence the fact that I am now a little bit more conscious about my weight gain.  Don't worry, I wont go starving myself; I would never do that to the baby.  I will however, be a little bit better about what I eat and exercise more :)

So the big news this week is that we made our appointment for an ultrasound anatomy scan a.k.a our half way ultrasound a.k.a we find out the sex of the baby (if the little one behaves *fingers crossed*).  We are so excited!!  We'll keep you all posted for sure!! T-minus 9 days!!! Yayer!

The baby so far...

Size: 4.6 inches and is now the size of an avocado

Weight: 3.5 ounces

According to TheBump...Tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she/he can now hear Mom's voice :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A boy or a girl?

So this seems to be the big question at the moment....  I just turned 15 weeks today and at this point we are having so much fun daydreaming about what our baby's sex will be.  We have our next appointment next week and it's supposed to be just a monthly check-up...but we hope that she will schedule us for our ultrasound to find out the baby's sex shortly after...Now, I'm sure most of you know this by now, but Josh is really rooting for a girl!  Although, deep down inside I know that he will be happy with either one.  I ask him why he wants a girl so bad and his response was 'So I can dress her how girls SHOULD dress.'  Josh clearly believes that my fashion sense (which is comfort over looks) is not up to par!  One day my cousin Tina and I asked him what an ascott was and he actually knew what it was!!!  I love my husband dearly, but I had to hang my head in shame after that...ok, I'm regressing...

Lately, I feel like since I'm showing a little more... people feel like they have an idea of what the baby will be based on just looking at me (or feeling my aura) ...and I honestly find it super entertaining! I'm not sure if it's like this with every culture, but I feel like filipino women are big culprits when it comes to old wives tales! Here are a few that have made me literally LOL!!

- "You're gonna have a girl cause you're pretty.." (Umm I guess this has to do with the baby giving you their look based on their sex.  So if you are having a boy you're more likely to be ugly?)
- "Your hands feel're definitely having a boy!"
- "You're pretty strong for being're gonna have a boy"
- "You're having a girl cause you're craving so much sweets..."

Now, that's just stories determining the sex of the baby...but there's also a separate stories for the following:

-The DO's and DONT's when you're pregnant
-The what you eat will determine the look of your baby (for example: If you eat a lot of noodles your baby will be tall!)

I've always thought that all of these stories have been a little off and a bit ridiculous, but will I tell the same stories to my kids?!?  You bet you ass I will! It's too entertaining to NOT to...

I'm sure you all have heard some stories...if so I would love to hear them!!

The baby so far...

Size: 4.0 inches about a size of a navel orange

Weight: 2.5 ounces

The baby's eyelids are still shut, but she can sense light and his/her taste buds are forming.  The baby is also busy moving his/her joints!