Brandon definitely inherited Josh's and I's love for food!! We started giving him rice cereal when he was just about 5 months old. We wanted to start giving him a little practice on using his tongue, so by the time we moved into the real solids he wouldn't be so clueless. Eating solids is a lot to swallow (no pun intended) for the first time. The texture and taste can be very strange for a baby, so choosing his 1st solid food was a bit intimidating. I wanted to make sure that Brandon's 1st experience with solid food was a not only good but nutritious! we bought a baby bullet a few days before and luckily it came with a little recipe booklet and it even recommended introduction foods. One of them was avocados and I've read a few books and websites that recommended it also! So it was kind of a no brainier that avocados was the best bet! I bought 1 at whole foods and it only cost me a little over a dollar and it made a 9 days worth of food for him! Crazy right?!? Now that I known how fun and easy it is to make your own baby food I will NEVER buy store baby food ever! So here are a few pics of what I've made Brandon so far!
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