Wednesday, June 6, 2012

5 months and loving it!

Brandon has been such a character the past few weeks! I think that his true personality is definitely beginning to show this time around!

I was talking to my boss the other day and don't remember how we got to the subject of horoscopes, but it reminded me about this book of horoscopes that I had at home. It described your personality, love, friendship, and job based on the day you were born... Typical horoscope stuff. Anyway, when I got home that day I decided to read up on Brandon's sign and it was very interesting. It seemed like some descriptions was very spot on and there were some that made me a little worried. In a nutshell it described a children born on his birthday to be very sensitive. They hold their relationships with others very close to their hearts. It also mentioned that they tend to have very sharp senses of humor (oh, great!), and last of all children of this birthdate are known to be very emotional and sensitive. This last part I feel fits him to the T! When things don't feel right to him, he is not afraid to let you know it! His temper can be very short at times, but when he's happy you can't help but be giddy! His Lolo always says "ang sarap mo naman tumawa!" In English it LITERALLY means "your laugh is delicious." but in translation he means that brandon laughs whole heartedly! I love seeing Josh's parents (and Tita Cynne) play with Brandon... Seeing them be so enamored by this tiny person makes me so happy! Brandon is one lucky guy to have such amazing grandparents who love him so much!!

He is such a giggle monster now! Yesterday while I was at work i missed 2 calls from my mom (who was watching him at the time). The very first thing that I could think of was " oh crap, something is wrong!" She never calls me, so I immediately called her back... No answer!! So then I listened to the voicemail she left and it was of Brandon laughing and giggling! I probably listened to it 3 times in a row. She told me later that he was laughing at her crumbling up a piece of paper? What a strange little child I have!

He has discovered his tongue and does these super drooly raspberries! He is constantly running his chubby knuckles against his gums. Josh says it looks like he's eating a piece of corn. We think that he's probably gonna start teething soon. He hasn't been super cranky or anything, so I think we may still be in the very beginning stages.

He also has this new thing where when he's sleepy he does this funny soothing thing kinda like he's humming himself to sleep... It's usually a long "aaaahhhh" or "MMmmmm"... It's pretty funny!

He's finally beginning to take interest in our dog Russy. It was pretty random... one day while he was sitting on my lap Russy jumped up on the couch and sat next to him and out of nowhere he just reached for him! He ran his little fingers across Russy furry back. I kept a close watch cause I didn't want Brandon to pull a chunk of Russy's fur. I'm sure Russy's fur must've felt so neat to him. Brandon was very gentle and Russy didn't seem to mind.

He's growing so quickly and it's still crazy to me that come Monday he will be 1/2 a year old already. BANANAS!!

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