I've heard about pinterest for the longest time! I never knew what the whole fuss was about and every time I would ask someone (usually a girl) about it they would describe it as "you just pin pictures that you like to your board..." um, what? How is that cool? I even had a few of my friends offer to invite me, because I guess you need someone to invite you in order join? Sorrry "Members only club!"
As a new mom I've realized that the way I did things when I was a non-parent was not working... For example running errands. Before I was a Mom I was able to spend hours or even all day getting everything on my list crossed off, but now I would be lucky to maybe get 3 of those things done Another big thing was making dinner. Now that I work 3 nights a week it is very hard to make a nice meal when I get off work. By the time I get off, it's usually way after dinner hour or I'm just beat!
I've realized that becoming a mommy you definitely have to sacrifice a lot of things in your life and it's not that I'm complaining or regretting my decision of becoming a mom, I just wish that sometimes there were just enough hours in the day to do all the things that I want to do!
Enter Pinterest! So I finally decided to give in and sign up and I'm so glad I did. From the few short weeks that I have been a "member" I've realized that maybe I could be just a bit more self-sufficient! Looking at all of the amazing DIY it makes me believe that they're easy enough for me to not only do, but will also make my life more simple and organized! Even though I have lost precious sleep because of my late night "pinning" addiction, I can't wait to show you guys my very first DIY project!
So to all my Pinterest friends... Happy pinning :)
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