Saturday, February 4, 2012

We've got a cluster feeder!!!

I thought that he was just going through a growth spurt or that maybe he wasn't getting enough boob juice, but after doing some research ( like I always do) I've realized it not me it's Brandon!

Being a 1st time mom, I've learned that no matter how much you may think you know, you will always doubt yourself (especially when it comes to parenting). I always find myself double guessing on everything I do with him. I always ask myself
"I wonder if he's had enough to eat?"
"he's been napping for quite some time now, should I wake him up?"
"he's crying so much maybe I over fed him?"
"maybe my milk is giving him a tummy ache?"

Gosh, this parenting gig would be a lot easier if Babies came out knowing how to talk! Although, now that B is a little bit older I am now able to distinguish what cries are what. Ummm did you know that babies cry just because they're bored?! I sure didn't?! What the heck?!

Anyway, so last week I thought that Brandon has been going through a growth spurt lately, and let me tell you... He definitely is! He has been an eating machine! We've also started him on formula and he's been taking it like a champ! He's taking about 3 2oz formula in a 24 hour period. We were lucky enough to experience his first formula diaper!!! Oh boy was it rank! I've also noticed with formula he's not going poop as much and he sleeps a lot heavier through the night!

So lately he's been wanting to eat more often! He went from eating every 2-3 hours to EVERY HOUR! The nipskees are a bit tender once again! He usually does it around the same time every afternoon! From 11 am til about 5 is when he becomes an eating machine!! Here is an example. I would boob feed him for 40 minutes and an hour later he gets fussy and gets a 2 ounce bottle! He does this about twice a day!! Crazy right?! So in about a 6 hour span he eats about 11 ounces of food! I feel like that's a lot for a 6 week old baby! I guess they call this cluster feeding. Babies just don't eat for the sake of eating, they eat because their bodies need it. I have realized that I have been producing more milk when I pump. I seriously think that my boobs have a mind of their own. They just somehow know much baby needs! I'm
Seriously amazed by the human body!

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