Friday, February 17, 2012

Brandon at 8 weeks!

Now that I have this little man to attend to it's a lot more difficult to keep up with my blog.  I love blogging and keeping everyone up to date with our growing family!  It's also neat to look back at past posts and see how much we've grown!

Brandon had his 2 month check up today and besides the 2 shots that he got it went really well!  It's always so much fun to see how much he has progressed from his last appointment.  He will be 2 months old tomorrow!!  Here are his stats!

When he was born:
Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz
Height: 19 inches

At 8 weeks:
Weight: 10 lbs 0 oz 8%
Height: 21.5 inches 16%

Dr. said that he's on the small side, but his weight is finally getting up to the normal range!  I'm so glad that he's getting plumped up, cause I was really worried about my milk supply.  I recently just started to take fenugreek to increase my supply, now that I'm back to work.

I seriously can't wrap my head around the fact that I've been a Mom for 2 months, and along with that I haven't had more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep! I remember it being really tough for the first few weeks, I would have to nap with him during the day to function.  I think that cause I was still in healing mode my body craved sleep, but now it seems like 3 hours is enough!

We seem to have him at a pretty good sleeping schedule.  Here is what our night consist of:

9:30pm he starts to get fussy and sleepy so we get him fed all changed and ready for bed.

10:00-11:00pm he'll be in and out of sleep ( kind of like a pre-sleep before turning in)  I think it's because Josh and I are still up and stirring around in the living room. Change his diaper and we all turn in for the night!

11:00pm-2:00sh am sleep

2:00am wakes for some boob juice and we change his butt

2:45-6:00 sleep

6:00-6:30 he's up again for some boob and change him again

6:30-8:00sh sleeps some more

and by 8:30-9:00 he's up and ready for the world!

Now, every night is NOT always like this! Between the hours of 2:00-5:00 are the touchy hours, he sometimes gets fussy and stays up for the 3 hours!! Those are the nights where I want to scratch my eyes out! But for the most part he seems to distinguish that night time is for sleeping, so he'll just feed and go straight back to sleep.  I think I've seriously mastered falling asleep while sitting up!  

Favorite milestones so far:

He's starting to recognize Josh an I's voice and turning his head towards us when we talk to him.

He's smiling a lot!

He's cooing and saying "Aaahh" and "Ooooh"

He's starting to open his hands a lot more and starting to put it in his mouth

He has been really good at keeping his head up.

He loves playing in his baby gym!

He's so in love with his Daddy!

He's just too cute!

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