I'm 29 weeks and 6 days today! It's hard to believe that in about 10 weeks Brandon will be here changing our lives for-ev-er. There's still not a day that passes that I think "Oh wow, Josh and I are going to be parents!" I was just looking back at my pregnancy journal the other day and I just started crying! This week has been such an emotional roller coaster, I feel like since the end is near that there's just so much that goes through your mind. The number one being whether or not we're going to be good parents. I've accepted that I will make mistakes as a Mom and that I wont always have the correct answers, but I will promise him that I will try my hardest to raise him to be a good man.
Secondly, I worry whether or not I will know what to do when he's here...like changing his diapers when he needs them changed, feeding him when he's hungry, consoling him correctly when he has a tummy ache...
It's so easy to start worrying about all the little what if's, but I just hope that once he's here I will magically know how to do all those things :)
So, I've mentioned before that I've been having some serious round ligament pains lately...well on Friday it got the best of me and it lead to a trip to the hospital. It was such a reality check for me, the whole process from the beginning until the end was so exhausting!
Here's how it all went down:
Friday night after dinner as we were walking to our car I felt this super sharp pain running down the side of my pelvis and my stomach all of a sudden started to get hard!! It was so painful that I had to stop walking and breath it out (holy scary right?!). It stopped after about 10 seconds and once we got to the car all I wanted to do was get home and lay down. I thought that it was just the ligament pain, but since my tummy began getting hard I thought that maybe I was just a bit dehydrated. When we got home I immediately drank a glass of water and laid on my left side. A few minutes later it happened again. This time I told Josh that I was gonna start timing these so-called contractions. We counted 5x's in 1 hour. I called my Dr and she said that if it continues that she wants me to come in. At this point I began to panic, I didn't care that I was in pain...the only thing that was on my mind was "No, he can't be come yet, he's still too little!!" We continued to count after we talked to the Dr and when we got to 4 I ask Josh "should we maybe pack a bag?" "Ya, probably" 10 minutes later we were out the door and on our way to the hospital. I had so many things running through my mind...I probably could've toughened it out, but I just really wanted that piece of mind that he was ok. I probably asked Josh about a 100 what-if questions and bless his heart he was so calm and answered every one.
We checked in and they had me hooked up and monitored within 15 minutes of getting there.
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They monitored Brandon's heartbeat and my contractions |
She took a few samples one of them being a fetal fibronectin. It predicts preterm labor and if it's positive then the chances of going into labor within 14 days are high! As we waited for those results they just continued to monitor Brandon and I. We were there for about 3 hours and she reassured me that everything seemed to look good that I wasn't dilated and that I haven't had any contractions since we've been there!
It was getting late and from the excitement and anxiety we both began to start getting a little tired. Josh was wonderful, he was so calm and made jokes when they were needed. He alleviated a lot of my stress just by being there. As he was dosing off I just looked at him and thought "I wouldn't want go through this with anyone else, but him!"
A few hours later we got or test results back and they were all negative. Our nurse said that although it was all a false alarm, that it was good that we still came in, because now we have somewhat of an idea of what to expect when the real thing happens.
The whole experience just made everything feel so real, I can't even begin to explain all of the millions of emotions that went through my head when I was laying there...just the thought of possibly delivering your baby right then is completely indescribable!!! We don't even have a car seat to take him home in yet...
The next day, I look in the bag that Josh packed for us and saw that the only thing he packed were my things...I asked him how he knew what to pack and his response was "I Googled it."
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1 comment:
Eep! Hang in there!
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