Saturday, October 22, 2011


Just the other day I got to catch up with one of my favorite regulars from work that I haven't seen in a while.  She happens to be labor and delivery nurse and it was so nice to pick her brain about everything!  I felt kinda bad at first about bombarding her with so many questions, but it seemed like she didn't mind at all.

I've had such an amazing experience thus far when it comes to seeing my Dr and nurses for my appointments.   They've always been very supportive with my decisions and very patient with any questions that I've had.  Being that my job focuses very highly on customer service I try to make sure that I don't make their job any harder than it already is, because I know what it feels like to come home and be emotionally drained after a long day of working with people.  It's no fun and it makes you want to pull your hair out!!  I've been working in customer service for a long time now and I've learned that it is so easy to hate your job, but the only way that keeps me from jumping that ledge are the people who truly go out of their way to be appreciative of your hard work.  Those people may not come along as often as I would like, but those are the people that make me love what I do!

Anyway, so with that mentality in mind and after talking to my regular your ATTITUDE does go a long way when dealing with others.  So be nice to your Dr's and nurses people, and say your "please" and "thank you's!!"

Now, because I worry about what other people think and feel a little too much, I also asked her what her biggest pet peeve's were when it came to women delivering their baby?  She said that the only real thing that bothered her are the women who come in with one option of delivering their baby.  She hates to see women HATING their birthing experience because they didn't want help.  Um, I totally understand that delivering a baby is no walk in the park, but isn't that why we go to seek a Dr or a nurse? To help ease the pain?! DUH!

With that being said it made me think of my birthing plan a little more.  Like I've mentioned before, my main goal is to TRY to do it naturally, but if it comes down to the health of Brandon and I.  I will make sure to put my pride on the side and ask for help if I need it!
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