Getting our place ready for Brandon has been such a long process now that I think about it. We started to get the place ready a few months ago and just the past few weeks it has turned our quite little household to a work in progress. Between work, spending time with family, and getting the place ready, it's been kind of a zoo trying to get everything organized. With the baby stuff that we will be accumilating over the next month it will take a lot of patience to figure out where everything should go...It's going to be crazy and not just for us, but for Russy as well. We've had Russy since he was a little puppy and we consider him as part of our family, almost like our first child (sorry Brandon). We love him dearly and he's been such an amazing dog to us throughout the years...but lately he's been such a needy little pill!! He's typically a very laid back and well mannered dog, but just the other day he just decided to do his "business" in the middle of the kitchen!!! Josh and I didn't really know what to do at first, because it's been years since he'd had an accident like that. We felt bad after we scolded him, but we had to do what we had to do :(
I mentioned it to Merrie, who is a dog owner herself and she told me that she believes that dogs along with other animals have that natural instinct when it comes to change. I never thought about this, and the more I think about it the more it makes sense! Josh and I have already readied ourselves to how to properly introduce Russy to Brandon when we take him home, but I didn't think that we would have to ready him so far in advance. Josh and I love Russy very much and the more we thought about this the more we tried to see ourselves through his hairy eyes. I'm sure that lately with how busy we've been with everything, we have been really sucking at paying attention to him. So since now that we have actually acknowledged the problem, we have been putting extra effort in paying more attention to him. I just hope that he doesn't decide to runaway on, who am I kidding, he's too lazy to run away!!
BUT just incase he does here's a recent picture of him...if you happen to see him wandering around aimlessly in your neighborhood, call me!!!
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I remember my friend's dog became super protective of her when she was pregnant - she started nesting with her favorite toy, treating it like it was her puppy, and she would get in between strangers and my friend, growling, when she had never been aggressive before. And our cats definitely got stressed out in the last few weeks of my pregnancy.
It's weird how animals can sense that something is different in that way... I'll bet if he keeps getting lots of love from you guys to get through the stress he'll be fine. And once baby Brandon starts dropping food on the floor regularly Russy will probably be his new best friend :)
Thanks Ashley, ya, it's pretty crazy that he's being so weird lately. But how can you blame the little guy. IT is a big change for everyone. Ya, smothering him with attention currently our approach with this situation. I just don't want him hating us. Lol.
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