Ok, Slacker Mcgee over here! I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to do my weekly updates. It's getting down to crunch time and it's been pretty crazy around the Roque household!
Again, I'll be rolling 2 weeks into 1 post! So here we go...
As of the past few weeks we've had some good and bad news. Everything with Brandon is fine, but all the other stuff is not going as well as we expected!
So, you all probably know that the big issue right now is that Brandon is presenting breech, and being so close to the end this is something that my midwives are very closely monitoring. We had an ultrasound and the tech found that not only was he still breech, but his fluids were low as well!! Geez, give me a break will ya? I was measuring at a 6.2 and the normal AFI levels are 8-18! My midwife told me that if I had measured at a 5 they would've admitted me right then and there! My heart literally jumped to my throat! I had no idea how this could've happened? I felt like everything was going well and wasn't having any strange symptoms. Now with those 2 things against me, they decided that I have to go in twice a week for a non-stress test. A non-stress test just monitors his heart beats, movements, and contractions. I don't mind it, but I do mind that I NOW have to start going to the hospital 2x's a week and add my weekly check-ups, so that makes it 3!
My midwife suggested doing Moxibustion. I mentioned this in my last blog in the "A day with nikki." Anyway, we started doing it that following Friday and did about 6 rounds. I felt like he was moving a lot, but I didn't really feel him "flip" so to speak...That following Monday we had our 2nd ultrasound to check for his position as well as my AFI levels. I was so nervous cause I knew that he was still breech...when I they did the ultrasound the tech confirmed that he was still breech, but my AFI went up to 8.2! Thank you, God!! After that I had another NST everything was going good until she says "oh you're having a contraction!" All I felt was my tummy expanding and Brandon pushing down on my bladder! I though "gee, if this is what contractions feel like, then I'm golden!" But I knew as soon as I said that I had just totally jinxed myself! SOoo, at my next NST I had an even bigger contraction, big enough to where it took my breath away (not in a good way either!). It was pretty cool and scary at the same time! I can't even imagine how bad it will feel when they're the real ones! Yikes!
Overall I'm still feeling pretty good! I just feel more tired and try to sneak in a nap here and there. My last week of work will be next week. I'm excited and sad all at the same time! I will miss being on my feet and just being able to socialize! I love my job, but I don't love that it takes such a toll on my body now!
My appetite is still monstrous! I hear that baby boys weigh in a lot bigger than girls do, so maybe he's having a huge growth spurt? I'm up 22 pounds from my pre-pregancy weight, which I feel really good about! Although I do have 3 more weeks to go, so who knows I just might blow up towards the end!
We pretty much have everything checked off on our to do list! His nursery is finally complete. We decided to rearrange some decals on the wall and add a tree decal as well! It's so cute! I'll post pictures soon. Our hospital bags are packed and door side just in case he decides to come early! His car seat is installed and ready in Daddy's car. We have our list of people to call, and a Russy sitter!
The very last and important thing is that tomorrow we are scheduled for an external cephalic version to get Brandon to turn head down. We had our pre-consultation with our OB today and she informed me of what to expect and the side effects. She told me that "You are now learning your first lesson in parenthood...children will do things on their own terms." She was totally right!!! What a little stinker!
After our talk I got very nervous, and had a huge breakdown when I got into my car! I called Josh and he made me feel better. I had so many thoughts running through my head! I thought about all the what if's and Josh was very quick to tell me that thinking that way will not help our situation. That whatever happens we just need to accept it and move on... So, now we're kinda sitting on the fence seeing what route we will be taking as far as delivering him. If they do the procedure and he doesn't turn, then we will be scheduled to do C-section, but if he does, then I will be able to deliver him vaginally! Either way he's gonna have to come out. I'm sad to say this, but I feel like the natural birth that I had intentionally hoped for is starting to slip through my fingers. Oh, well...
Brandon so far (at 36 weeks)
Size: 18.75 inches about the size of a crenshaw melon
Weight: 5.75 pounds
According to thebump he is getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on his own. His skin is geting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. His liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too!
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36 weeks and 6 days |
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