Monday, December 5, 2011

17 days and counting!

I officially put in my request for my last day at work!  I've always thought that I would try to work until the end, but for how physically demanding my job is, I've decided that it would be better for me and my co-workers if I don't.  I can tell now that everyone seems to worry about me.  They worry that I will go into labor any time during my shift.  I don't blame them, cause I DO have this crazy feeling that my labor will start at work!  Now, a lot of my co-workers don't have kids yet, and I think that they have this phobia of me going into labor at work and them having to drop everything they're doing and take me to the hospital!!! Kinda like how they show it in the movies, ya know?  I think that's what everyone visualizes when a woman goes into labor.  I've talked to a few of them and try to inform them that that's not the case at all.  If I begin labor at work, the chances are that he wont arrive for a few (wishful thinking) hours, so I will have time to call Josh, have him pick me up, and head to the hospital.  I try to stay calm at work to not freak them out...I've also realized to not to say the following:


Those phrases kinda puts them on the edge sometimes!

Anyway, I was a little sad, yet excited when I put in my request.  Sad because I love going to work and will miss having my daily conversations with my co-workers and regulars...excited because I know I will meet my little guy soon!!

17 more days....


Jessica said...

I am so excited for you, Brooke! I swear, it feels like just yesterday that I was waiting around for labor to start...and now I'm sitting here with Ben staring up at me! I cannot wait for you to experience this whole thing! It's a million times better than I could ever have imagined. (PS - were they able to turn Brandon around?)

Brooke and Josh said...

Jessica, I remember reading your blog towards the end of you pregnancy and it made me so excited for the day when I get there. I'm at the point where I can easily be over it, but I'm really trying not to have a bad attitude. I'm just so anxious and excited to meet him already.

I can't believe how big Ben already is. His face has changed so much since I saw him last. I just read you last post and I'm so there with you. I can't even imagine leaving him to go back to work. I'm already dreading it and he's not even here yet. When things slow down we.should get together =)