Wednesday, August 3, 2011

17 and 18 weeks

I'm super slacking lately with my weekly posts.  For that I apologize...I know that you are all so eagerly waiting for the new update on the little one.

Due to how busy I've been I will have to put 2 weeks worth of news in 1 post, so please forgive me if this is a bit lengthy.

Since we've conceived, Josh and I have been talking more and more about childcare for the little one.  It's not something we love talking about because it is so hard to think that far into the future.  I unfortunately don't have the luxury to have 3 months off like some Moms, so we have to really begin talking about who's going to be with the little one while we're at work.  I know that both our parents would love to help us.  We know that if we asked them to watch the baby everyday they would do so with open arms...but with their work schedule it just doesn't give them the chance to do so.  Josh and I take a lot of pride in how self sufficient and independent we are, so we're gonna try and work opposite schedules for when the little one comes.  I know that this will take a lot of getting used to, but we promised ourselves that we would at least try it. We currently have the 'balls to the walls' mentality about this.  So we hope that we will be ok.

Tomorrow the little one will turn 19 weeks!!  Where has the time gone?!?  When I was in my first trimester I remember thinking how slowly the time was going...that getting to my second trimester will never happen!  Now, finally being in my second trimester, I'm slightly wanting this time to slow down just a smidge.  When they say that your second trimester is the best part of your pregnancy - they really weren't kidding.  I'm currently enjoying the burst of energy that I'm getting.  I'm feeling more comfortable with my body.  Last of all I love being able to feel the baby move!  It's like a present every time the little one kicks.  I just know that it will be one of the first things I will miss about being pregnant!

Along with all the amazingness in this trimester...the best one was finding out the sex of our baby!!!  We found out last week and the night before I remember not being able to sleep.  We were just too excited too sleep!  The next morning, when we were finally in the room our ultrasound tech introduced herself and began with the procedure.  One of the first things she asked us was if we wanted to know the sex.  We both said 'YES!'  She began by looking at my ovaries and taking a few pictures...and after that she says 'Ok, are you ready?'  and I just nod...and when she moved over to the baby.... I just began to cry!  I saw this prefect little figure of our baby!  I was just speechless and overwhelmed with emotions.  I looked over at Josh sitting at the edge of his chair with his face just glowing...and the only thought that came to my mind was: This is my family now!  After about taking 90 pictures of the little on she says 'Alright are you ready to know what you're having?' we say 'yes'  she moves the wand a few more times and say 'So, there's one leg, the second leg....and the third leg!!!'  We both just began to laugh because as you all may know by now Josh was kinda rooting for a girl.

Baby Roque with his hand on his face

His twig and berries

Baby Roque waving and showing his big belly

Our ultrasound tech said that the baby looked really good and that there wasn't anything that stood out to her that we should worry about!

The baby so far (at 18 weeks)

Size: 5/12 inches about the length of a bell pepper

Weight:  8 ounces (according to our u/s tech)

According to  The baby is busy passing time yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love reading ur blog/update! soon you'll be hugging and kissing him forever! that's what i miss about being preggy too..the movement. it's the best feeling in the world-for me=)

I hope your schedule will work out so that you don't actually have to bring him to a sitter/daycare..but if ever you'd have too hope you find a good one! that was our prob too with rafa but thank god we found one that loves him like they're own=)
