Saturday, August 15, 2015

14 weeks and pre-season football

Here we are entering our second trimester. I'm surprised how quickly it's gone by especially with all the not-so-fun symptoms I've experienced. I'm no longer feeling nauseous thank the lord... Still feeling tired though, but am randomly getting spurts of energy here and there which is a nice change! 

Baby is a size of a 

I just love this new app! I remember when I was pregnant with Brandon my theme was fruits. These pastries are just too cute and fitting now that I have a major sweet tooth! 

Yesterday baby got to experience his/her first ever Seahawks game. Although we lost it was still great to spend time with Nikki and Annie. It's always a treat when I'm with them. Thank you Nikki for the invite. It was a great kickoff to what I feel will be another amazing season and an even better trimester! Go Hawks! 

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