Monday, April 9, 2012

Brandon's first attempt in rice cereal!

Lately I've been feeling like Brandon has been wanting a little bit more from his feedings.  No matter how often or how much we feed him it seems like he's not completely satisfied!  I've been doing some research on how soon you are able to feed your infant and from what I've read it's anywhere from 4-6 months.  It's mainly up to the parents and their feeling of whether or not their child is ready!  There are a few check list on what to look for to see they're ready such as:

- Baby can head up
- Makes chewing motions
- Birth weight has doubled
- Can close mouth around spoon

We started with a tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with 4 tablespoon of boob milk. It was a slow start at first, but he got the hang of it towards the end.  It seemed like he wasn't really sure about the spoon at first.  The texture, the shape, and why no milk was shooting out of a hole...but I think the fact that there was some type of food he seemed to be willing to give it a try!  We don't plan to substitute rice cereal for any of his's more of a snack :)

He definitely is an impatient little guy when it comes to eating!!  It's been about 4 hours now since we've fed him the rice cereal and so far so good! He hasn't shown any weird signs of discomfort and is currently fast asleep in his crib!

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