Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A boy or a girl?

So this seems to be the big question at the moment....  I just turned 15 weeks today and at this point we are having so much fun daydreaming about what our baby's sex will be.  We have our next appointment next week and it's supposed to be just a monthly check-up...but we hope that she will schedule us for our ultrasound to find out the baby's sex shortly after...Now, I'm sure most of you know this by now, but Josh is really rooting for a girl!  Although, deep down inside I know that he will be happy with either one.  I ask him why he wants a girl so bad and his response was 'So I can dress her how girls SHOULD dress.'  Josh clearly believes that my fashion sense (which is comfort over looks) is not up to par!  One day my cousin Tina and I asked him what an ascott was and he actually knew what it was!!!  I love my husband dearly, but I had to hang my head in shame after that...ok, I'm regressing...

Lately, I feel like since I'm showing a little more... people feel like they have an idea of what the baby will be based on just looking at me (or feeling my aura) ...and I honestly find it super entertaining! I'm not sure if it's like this with every culture, but I feel like filipino women are big culprits when it comes to old wives tales! Here are a few that have made me literally LOL!!

- "You're gonna have a girl cause you're pretty.." (Umm I guess this has to do with the baby giving you their look based on their sex.  So if you are having a boy you're more likely to be ugly?)
- "Your hands feel're definitely having a boy!"
- "You're pretty strong for being're gonna have a boy"
- "You're having a girl cause you're craving so much sweets..."

Now, that's just stories determining the sex of the baby...but there's also a separate stories for the following:

-The DO's and DONT's when you're pregnant
-The what you eat will determine the look of your baby (for example: If you eat a lot of noodles your baby will be tall!)

I've always thought that all of these stories have been a little off and a bit ridiculous, but will I tell the same stories to my kids?!?  You bet you ass I will! It's too entertaining to NOT to...

I'm sure you all have heard some stories...if so I would love to hear them!!

The baby so far...

Size: 4.0 inches about a size of a navel orange

Weight: 2.5 ounces

The baby's eyelids are still shut, but she can sense light and his/her taste buds are forming.  The baby is also busy moving his/her joints!


Bree said...

If the nose gets bigger, it's a boy.

danica said...

This one made me lol! My aunt told me not to sit on the floor when I was pregnant, why? I have no idea, just that it was bad! So don't sit on the floor ok??!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA i've heard all those too.. or if your tummy is pointy it's a boy round a girl...

i haven't seen you or anything to tell but i'm rooting for a girl too! haha... (but you know why i think that)
