Friday, May 29, 2015

Daddy Brandon

Brandon has recently acquired a new obsession for babies. It started last month when he held his cousin Zia. He's met and played with many babies before and the only time he would give them any attention is when he doesn't want mommy holding them. He gets extremely jealous and would want me to hold him as well. Oh, the struggle of being the only child.

During a family party while I was holding Zia I was curious to see how Brandon would react to holding Zia. I asked him and he suprisingly said 'ok!'

It was just so cute! He was so gentle with her holding her hand and rubbing her cheeks! He kept saying 'Aw, she's so little' and 'She's so cute.' He held her for a good while. I let him hold her until she started to feel uncomfortable laying on his bony legs. He got sad when I took her away. It was just so cute! 

Moving forward to a few weeks ago, anytime he sees a smaller version of anything he calls them babies. Just this week he found a miniature Mickey Mouse and he has been playing daddy ever since. It's so funny to see him take care of Mickey. A lot of the things that he would say or do to Mickey are the same things we would do to him. Talk about a good example of how you treat your child. I was worried he was gonna start putting Mickey in timeout for not listening, but thank goodness Mickey is quite and seems to follow directions well. 

Memorial Day short but sweet!

We've been planning this trip to Whidbey Island for a few months now and all week we were worried about the weather since the forecast called for rain. Of course it would be nice ALL week and once the weekend comes it turns like poop. it was a little cloudy, but the weather was warm enough that we got to spend the whole time outside.  The kids ran around, played in a fort by the beach, found baby crabs, and topped it off with s'mores! The adults hung out, snacked, drank, and played games. It was such a wonderful little get away. The only thing missing was Josh. He had to work all weekend. Oh the life of retail. 

Besides our missing sidekick we still had a wonderful time. Brandon and I came home with more memories to share with daddy!

Sweet Ryan helping Daddy gather up some firewood

Hallie, Brandon, and Ryan

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Just for the record...

Dearest Brandon,

I'm posting this to prove to you that at one point in your life you loved Mommy way more than daddy :D

Thursday fun day

This year I promised that I was going to collect more memories not things. With Josh's crazy schedule at work we don't get the opportunity to spend much quality time as a family. Every few weeks we will get lucky and have a day off together, so we take the opportunity to make plans to be outside if the weather permits or just hang out as a family! Even though Josh and I haven't had a date night in months (3 months to be exact). We both agree that spending time as a family with Brandon is more important. Although, I do miss having dinners without having to cut up a little person's food or blow on it to make sure it's not too hot. 

I believe that the best thing for Brandon right now is the opportunity to make memories with his family (and friends too of course). He is at a very curious stage right now. Constantly learning and asking about... Well, EVERYTHING! Josh and I enjoy being able to be there when he's experiencing new things, or answer any questions that he may have. Currently he believes we know ALL and we would like to keep it that way for as long as we can. Because I'm sure it won't be too long until we get the 'You don't know what you're taking about!' Attitude... 

But for now we will enjoy this crazy little Threenager Brandon...